Blessing our Students

Dear brothers and sisters, 

I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus! 

2018.09.30 Неділя, Вечірнє служіння (День Подяки) - YouTube - Google Chrome 2018-10-27 21.57.22.png

The first fall month has passed away! It was a beautiful month in which we could work full in God’s vineyard. We started the month by blessing the students and pupils from our church for another new school year. We prayed for them, entrusting them to the Lord. There came in front of the church around 500 youth and children. May the Lord bless them al!  

We are glad that after the evangelisms we had in September two young boys accepted the Lord.  We pray for them to be strengthened in their faith and to become good followers of Jesus. Already on the first week after the summer holidays our youth gathered at the Coffee House where around 400 youth attended the meeting and had fellowship around the Word of God. 

On September 15 we had the entrance exams at the Theological Institute. 15 new students were admitted to the institute and in October they are starting their study. We pray for them too.

Hearts in Ukraine

On September 23 our youth and the other youth all over Ukraine went to Kiev to celebrate Thanksgiving in the main square of our capital. There were around ten thousand people who praised God for His blessings and who heard the Gospel. May the Lord work on the hearts which still haven’t opened to Christ. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to preach freely the Gospel, so we use any occasion to do it. We believe that the seed sown will not come without harvest. 

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Our church celebrated Thanksgiving on September 30. We had a great service where we thanked God for all His blessings: for food, harvest, clean water, peace in our area and other spiritual blessings. 

I spoke live on the radio twice in September. We pray for all who listen to our radio programs. 

Thank you for supporting us financially and with your prayers. My family is sending greetings to you. We pray for you to be healthy and to be blessed abundantly for your sacrifice. Continue to pray for us and for peace in the eastern part of Ukraine. 

Love, Postusak Grigory

Ziua multumirii la Kiev pe peata centrala a orasului.jpg

Children and Leaders


With God’s help we are at the end of summer, during which we experienced great ministries with youth camps, family camps and evangelisms to the glory of God. We are glad that this summer we worked with youths and children organizing different camps and events for them. After the camps the youth started to come to church and the children to Sunday school. We pray for parents of the youths to accept the Lord in their hearts too. Besides youth camps, our church organized a camp in the mountains for the church leaders from the war area. They came with their families and spent a wonderful week in the nature studying the Bible. At the end of the week they were very excited and grateful to God and to us. We were glad to help them to forget for a few days the disaster they are living in at the moment. We pray to the Lord to stop that war which takes so many innocent adult and children’s lives.  

The Start of Another School Year

Our family spent a week in Romania and Bulgaria. Now we are home and are getting ready for another school year. On Mondays the youth started to get together for Bible study and the kids started their Sunday school. The youth, teens and young families have also started to meet at the Coffee House again. 

We thank the Lord for you, for your support and your prayers. Please, continue to pray for us and for ministry in Ukraine. On September 23rd the Ukrainians will get together in Kiev to celebrate Thanksgiving. People all over Ukraine from different confessions will gather in the main square of our capital and bow their heads before God to thank Him for all the blessings received this year. May the Lord bless the organization of this event and the event itself! 

Postusak Grigory

House of Peace

In July V. Antonyuk, who is the head of our union of ECHB of Ukraine, came to our church "House of peace". We had a great and meaningful conversation about a lot of subjects that are very concerned with our churches. In particular, we talked about the challenges nowadays which the church of Jesus Christ has to face. What have we to do? How do we behave and go through this period of history  with dignity?

We had a children's camp on the territory of our House of Prayer. Almost 250 children came here each day to spend time together. They had different games, songs, Bible classes, quizzes and etc. Most of them were from unbeliever families. On the last day many children came with their parents.

Delegates From Other Regions

On the last Saturday of the month I had the opportunity to meet with all the PIE coworkers in our region. Thanks to God for Cornel and Gabriela, who together with the team from USA came to us to Bucovina and held a camp for Romanian children. I pray that the mission of PIE will develop in ministry and encourage people.

In the last days we were preparing to meet the delegation of ministries from Donetsk region in the military action zone. We want to make rest for our brothers in the Carpathian mountains and pray they can obtain new strength for next spiritual work.

Postusak Grigory

School of Young Timothy

School of Young Timothy

Young boys 12-15 years old had a chance to talk with pastors during 3 days. This meeting was in the Carpathian Mountains at the rest base. This time, which was conducted with young boys who will be able to conduct ministry in our church, was dedicated to studying God's Word and an active rest…

Preparing for Easter

We invited lots of unsaved people to church for Easter and for other evangelisms that are to be in April. One of the greatest Christian events in April will be on April 21st at the National Theatre in Chernovtsy…

February 2018

Our teens had a meeting at the Coffee House. They invited unsaved teens at the meeting and had a great time with different Bible contests, praise and worship songs and Bible study. We pray for them as they are the future of our church…

January 2018

This year we had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas twice: on December 25th and January 7th. We could share the Good News in concert halls, houses of culture and the city centre. On January 6th we held a meeting at our church with the children in the city. Around 300 children came to the conference and praised the Lord through songs and poetry. It was a blessed day for them and for the church.