Preparing for Easter

In March God helped me to get involved in many different missionary events in the church as well as out of it. The youth and the teens had two meetings at the Coffee House where they studied the Bible and 4 teens accepted the Lord. We praise Him for this work and pray for the teens. 
I taught a one-week session to students at the Seminary. We pray for the students to be zealous in the ministry. 

Our church is preparing to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection on April 8. The youth and the children are preparing special programs for this event. We invited lots of unsaved people to church for Easter and for other evangelisms that are to be in April. One of the greatest Christian events in April will be on April 21st at the National Theatre in Chernovtsy. The special guests at this evangelism are an enormous chorus from   Arkansas, and the preacher is Michael Gott. We pray for all events in April and for all people who will hear the Gospel. Besides we pray for the apologetic conference with Terry Mortenson that will be at our church. We believe that everything will be all right and that God will work wonderfully during the conference.  
Thank you for the Christmas gifts we received from the Stef's. All the gifts were good and useful. May the Lord bless you and reward you for your sacrifice!
We pray for all of you and especially for Carl and Marilyn Rosema and for their son Roger. May the Lord heal him! My family is sending you warm greetings. 

Best regards, Postusak Grigory