God - our refuge and strength

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1 NIV


It is a great joy for me to inform you about what God did through my ministry.

First of all, this month we had a meeting in Alba-Iulia at PIEI Christian Centerwith all the PIEI missionaries. We had good fellowship with each other and with PIEI Committee, we shared experiences both from work and from personal life.

Although the focus was more on administrative issues, we also had moments to pray and to discuss from God's Word. I personally learn from Psalm 46 three things:

  1. God is my shelter.

  2. In God we have the necessary life resources.

  3. God is with me - to stop and meditate on these things.

This month, along with a team from our church, we went at the old foster care from Suici village. Every time it's a great joy to spend a few hours with them and turn their eyes to the salvation which we recive through our Lord's sacrifice.

We're following 3 things: to believe that they are sinners, to believe that Jesus died for their sins and the most important, to receive Jesus as a personal saviour in their hearts.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the old foster care

  • For the orphanage

  • For the villages I am involved in, and for the churches from that villages.

For those who pray for us, who help us through the PIEI mission, to the United States Committee and Romania, I pray that God bless you, protect you and repay you.

Traian Chilau – PIEI Missionary