Florin Botar - August Newsletter

During the month of August with continued the work of evangelism in Ponorel and Sohodol, and at the missionary center in Baia de Aries. In Baia de Aries, a young man named Gelu, who is not a believer but is eager to learn about the Word of God, came to join our prayer group. I talked with him for a long time and I encouraged him to read from the Bible daily, and when she sees things he does not understand, to write them down so that we can discuss together.

Florin Botar - July newsletter

For a long time I have longed for a special evangelization service in Ponorel Church, this is why I have invited a group of young people and two pastors to have a lovely fellowship before the Lord. We have had unsaved people coming to church, I was surprised to see thedm, and after the service, the sisters have prepared food for all. May God work in the lives of those who have heard the Gospel, and convince them to repentance.