Received With Open Arms

”A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling” -Psalms 68:5

With the help of brother Beni T, I went again to the orphans from Abrud bringing treats for the holidays (sweets, fruits, clothes and shoes). The children took them with open arms and embraced me. It seems I may be the only one who brings them gifts at the holidays.

I told them of the birth of the Lord Jesus, how He was born in a humble manger. How angels told the wonderful news to shepherds, and how they went to see the baby. How three wise men came with gifts for the Son of God. I had a wonderful time celebrating with these children. Each of them also received a book with many pictures of the life of Jesus Christ.

Pray for us to have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. With love my family wishes you a blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your prayer and financial support in 2021.

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary