Sisters with Unsaved Family Members

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. -Psalms 33:20

Both in Ponorel and in Sohodol there are older sisters who cannot come to church for reasons of health, which is why I visit them every week, and bring them the Lord’s Supper every month. Both Sister Aurelia and Sister Marioara have in their house their son with a daughter-in-law who are unbelievers. Sister Fica has in the house her daughter and her son-in-law who are unbelievers (in the photo with the Holy Supper  at sister Fica who is ill and not been able to come to church for a long time). The list goes on.

At every visit with these families there are moments of sincere worship. We sing as we can with the help of the Lord, and often I have the opportunity to speak from the Gospel to the unbelievers. It is a special time of questions and answers from the Bible.

Prayer Requests:

  • The steps of my family to be protected every day

  • The unfaithful from the families of believers to be blessed with repentance

  • For the winter period to be a good time of evangelization in families

  • For the orphans from Abrud 

May Jehova Jire bless you with chosen blessings for all that you have given for us! You are in our hearts. Holy greetings!

Florin Botar, PIEI-Romania Missionary