November 2017


Blessed be our Heavenly Father who was with us this month as well. He did not allow any bad thing in our life. We visited many of the believers and non-believers’ families in Ponorel and Sohodol, and talked from the Word of God. In our area there were two funerals where many people attended. They heard the good news of the salvation through Jesus Christ. After the funerals, a couple of doors were open to talk to some of the non-Christian families. Also this month I started the weekly group meetings in homes. At these house meetings it’s easier to invite the non-believing neighbors.

At Brazesti, a larger village, 5km away from Baia de Aries toward Turda, we started a new mission point. Brother Morcan, our host, is the only Christian in the entire village. We pray God’s blessing over these places which are closed to the Gospel. For the church in Ponorel, it was great to see Brother Vasile, the church elder, back to church. He had been sick. Praise God!

Prayer Support:

o   For the non-believers from Sohodol and Ponorel, whom I visit: Nicu, Lenuta, Vetuta, Rodica, Iulica, Dorin, Marin, Marinela,  Ionut, Ion, Eleonora, etc.

o   For the Village of Brazesti, a new mission point

o   For the orphan children in Abrud whom I visit all the time

o   For the celebrations of the birth of Lord Jesus

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Many thanks for your support in advancing the Gospel in our area.