Preparation for evangelism

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. Thank God for helping us to pass this old year safely for our families and for our churches from our Chernivtsi region. Although we have very difficult times in Ukraine with this terrible war. God is merciful to us, and He helps us so that we helped and supported those migrants who came to our area in order to find shelter.

1. Service in the village of Dolzhok

-At the beginning of December, I celebrated the communion in the church of the village of Dolzhok. I also visited one sick person there with the communion.

-This month, I held a service 4 times in the church of the village of Dolzhok, since there a young shepherd with his family went abroad because of the war. On December 25, we celebrated the feast of the Nativity of Christ in this church. Prepared a program with our choir, youth and children's program. There were also rehabilitators from the rehabilitation center from Malinovka to this meeting, and many people from the village came and listened to the Word of God. There were also immigrants from this village. It was a very rich program. We pray for those people who listened to the Word of God that the Lord touched their hearts.

2. Carols

-Our youth walked with carols around the village of Malinovka. They distributed calendars and Christian brochures there. People accepted us willingly and thanked us for coming to their homes with singing and blessing. We always pray in every house where we are received and bless this house.

3. Prayer week

-Since December 25, on every day of this week, our church has thematic one-hour prayer meetings. And we will celebrate the New Year on our knees, in prayer, together with the whole church. God forbid that it be peaceful and calm during this time of war.

4.Packages to refugees

-We prepared packages for refugees who live in our village. They thanked us very much and praised God.

5. Preparation for evangelism on January 7th.

-Our church is preparing to celebrate the Nativity of Christ on January 7 (according to the old style) because our village celebrates like that. We are preparing a big evangelization where refugees and their families were invited, we are preparing gifts for children and young people are preparing a rich program for this evangelization. Also, if everything is calm, they will carol around the houses of our fellow villagers. May God help us in these activities.

6. Thanks.

- We sincerely thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for helping us here in Ukraine and supporting us both in your prayers and with social help. And we will be able to continue to help socially, people who need our help so much.

-Thank God for a peaceful sky over our area.

-For the health that He gives us so that we can work and serve Him.

7. Prayer requests:

-Pray with us that the war in Ukraine ends and peace finally comes.

-Pray that there will be no missile arrivals, either in our region or throughout Ukraine. They destroy everything and many people and children die.

-Pray that all the people who have listened to the Word of God this month, that the Lord will touch their hearts and repent.

Once again, we thank you brothers and sisters for supporting us and donating a lot for our Ukraine. We wish you abundant blessings from the Lord in the coming year. May you, in your families and in your country have peace, health, success, happiness and joy in Christ Jesus! Receive heartfelt Christian greetings from my family.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar.