Great blessings in our church

viber image 2019-03-25 , 20.26.33.jpg

Our God is good and the good is our God.

I am so happy to serve for such Great and Amazing God because He blesses us so much every day.

I am really appreciated to everyone who helps us with funds for our ministry.

At the beginning of this month, in our church, there was the blessing of children of two families.

First family: Benjamin and Natasha, this is their fifth child. Benjamin serves in our church as a preacher, his wife Natasha, a musician and chorus girl.

The second family: Ion and Diana, this is their first child, Ion is the leader of our youth. On this evangelism service, there were relatives of these young families, thanks to this ministry, they heard the Word of God.

Thank God that there are many young families in our church. We pray for them and for their children, that the Lord will bless them.

Regards, Pascari Alexa