God Will Add

I paid visits to the sick sisters who couldn't go to church with a prayer time, a word of encouragement, and we had the Lord's Supper. I am glad that whenever I visit sick brothers and sisters I have the opportunity to talk to the unsaved in the families about the Lord Jesus. We continued Bible School with teenagers and thank God that the ones we started with are consistent and every time we meet we invite other children from the village.

We started with six children in the church and now there are ten and we pray that God will add, and children will always invite their colleagues to our meetings. Thank God for health and guidance in service and those who are with me in prayer and financially. God bless you!

Prayer Requests: 

  • For the unsaved in the families of the brothers and sisters to whom I have spoken about the Lord Jesus 

  • For the children newly arrived to the Bible School not to be influenced by those who want to stop them.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary