A Good Deed

Now that we have entered 2022, we are thinking about how we can be more efficient and closer to people. 

I believe that evangelism by meeting needs, as practiced by the Lord Jesus, can be well applied today. Due to the pandemic we can no longer organize large evangelism programs. We go to those who are sick and poor, trying to meet some of their needs and bringing them the Good News of the Gospel. 

We encouraged a group of three sisters who do this beautiful work to visiting the sick and buying food for the poor. These people are open to the Word. However, we pray that they move from knowledge that of receiving the Lord Jesus in their hearts. We pray that this work will bear fruit for the glory of the Lord. 

Prayer Requests

  • For those who have been visited and listened to the Word, for the Holy Spirit to convict them that they need the Lord Jesus 

  • For the sisters who serve to be able to go regularly in the work and not become discouraged

  • For the Lord to provide resources to meet the needs of poor people

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary