A Good Opportunity

With the help of the Lord, we visited sick brothers and sisters in the pastoral circle. These are people who due to illness cannot come to the house of prayer. On these occasions we took the Lord's Supper together, sang and prayed. Most of them have people in the family who are not Christians. It is always a good opportunity to talk to them about the love of the Lord Jesus.  We talk with them and pray for them, but only the Holy Spirit can convince them that they need salvation.

At the beginning of October we started Bible school with children. This opportunity needs a lot of support in prayer.

Prayer Requests:

* For the brothers and sisters who are ill to remain steadfast in the way of the Lord.

* For the unsaved that the Lord will work in their lives.

* For children to understand the importance of knowing the Truth.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary