Mother's Day Event

Is that time of year when we celebrate Mother's Day again.  So we use this time for evangelistic purposes and invite people to church for a special time together and offer a flower.  Had three meetings this year and, had a wonderful time. 

We had a few fun games for grown-ups, a tombola with nice things to win, and I shared about the lost sheep that Jesus calls us by name. I have used a children's storybook very cleverly written with very nice pictures. It was touching time, many were moved to tears, understanding that Jesus loves them. We had a moment of silent prayer and I could hear many whisper a personal prayer. 

Jesus loves them and calls them by name. 

In their words:

'I had a special time"

"It was so nice, I want to stay longer"

"Everything you said it's true, Jesus calls us by name" 

"Very relaxing and peaceful”

"Not at all what I expected, I thought it would be a church service I didn't think it would be so beautiful"

"I had a wonderful time, thank you very much”

“It's been a blessing for my soul, it was especially for me"

Praise the Lord for His beautiful love.

Some of them read poems about mothers and shared testimonies.  

One lady had a powerful testimony about how the Lord healed her. 

Another, about how she came to Christ. 

We had a beautiful time together in the Lord. 

Thank you for your beautiful support over the years. 

God bless you

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary