Getting Ready

Come! God is thinking exactly about you, believe me! 

This is the message for the Women's Day event this year. Every year March 8th, we celebrate Mother's Day and Women's Day in Romania, around this time of celebration women are more sensitive to love messages and more open to gifts and invitations. 

 We are planning an evangelistic event for the women in the villages. What more can be said, or be given to the women then the authentic and encouraging message of the love of Jesus and the truth that they are on God's mind and He is thinking of each one of them by name!

 Please join us in prayer for the message delivery, for the Spirit of the Lord to bring women to hear the message of authentic love and decide to follow Jesus. 

Also pray for the preparations we do to decorate the place, food, drinks, and a flower for each one of them. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this message. God bless every one of you for taking part in this ministry and may the Lord reward you.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary