
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers unite together!” Psalm 133:1

Summer is that time when we can do more things together to strengthen relationships and to know one another better.

It was good to have different fun activities for children and an evangelistic camp.  We had about 30 children coming regularly learning from the Bible and having fun. 

The ladies from the Bible study group had a beautiful trip to Alba Iulia. Enjoyed visiting places, sightseeing, seeing, and a trip with the boat on the river through the mountains. 

Our dear sisters are so happy and grateful for such times as for most of them is their only time for fun and relaxing in their lifetime. They repeat the word "thank you" countless times. 

Of course, this thank you goes first to the Lord and to you who faithfully support our ministry in Romania.

Please pray that the Lord will provide the needed ministry support for this year as well so we can plan activities and be able to offer evangelistic and material support to those in need. 

Florina Darvell - PIEi Romania Missionary