Pray for our Sister Dana

With the children group in Maruntei we study "digital technology" how to use the internet without falling into a trap. We also had an outing to help bond and strengthen relationships. In the village of Maldaieni we divide the 2 hours now and we don half on Bible study and half on English. We study Mark, and they love it. I do too. In the workshop we officially employed one more woman, Mirela. God is good. We have enough work at the moment and if it continues like this we may employ again in the future. We are also happy to have bought a new machine for the workshop. Thank you Lord and those who donated. Carrying on to create more jobs!

Yesterday I got a phone call from a woman, in our ministry area, her husband is drunk all the time the family is neglected and she had no money for food, she asked for a bit of oil. Heart breaking! Thank you for all your financial support which is a blessing to have funds and carry on with the ministry and serve the Lord.

To minister to our Sister Dana from the village Maruntei, we carried on with the weekly Bible study getting ready for the baptism (her biggest desire), until over night life seems to have turned upside down. Dana had an appointment to have a brain CT scan interpreted and to be given a diagnosis 3 weeks ago. She was very scared of the possible diagnosis, always carrying the fear in her heart that she might inherit her mom's illness (schizophrenia). The day before the visit to the doctor she lost control of her brain, stopped talking, eating and being able to care fore her self. Three days later she ended up in the psychiatric hospital. We have been supporting the family, visiting Dana at the hospital and talking to the doctor on regular basis. She is not much better. Her 2 year old son (Eduard) is badly affected and cries a lot not having his mom close. She is badly affected to find herself in the hospital.

Dana’s family sees the support from Christians and are more open to hearing about Jesus. Today I asked her sister-in-law if we can actually meet once a week for Bible study and she gladly accepted. This is a good outcome but still, Dana, our wonderful and always joyful sister in Christ is more like a "vegetable" than a person.

Please join us in prayer for Dana, only God's intervention can save her. I believe she is with a wrong diagnosis and consequently with a wrong treatment. She needs a miracle.

Florina Darvell- PIEI-Romania Missionary