A Joy For The Orphans

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, I went to the orphans in Abrud and bought them new clothes. With brother Beni T’s help I brought them fruits and sweets. They were very happy and even though some of them could not speak correctly because of speech disability but shook my hands as a sign of gratitude.

In my discussions with them and the educators I understood that they were awaiting the birth of the Lord Jesus and the carol singers at their orphanage. The Holy Scripture urges us: "to visit the orphans and widows in their troubles" (Jacob 1:27) Prayer Requests:

  • For power and wisdom in preaching the Gospel on the occasion of these holidays both at church worship and at the congregation of families 

  • For brother Todor from Ponorel 

  • For Rodica and her family 

  • For Vetuta from Sohodol, neighboring our church

May the mercy and kindness of God, our Father, accompany you to the end. We wish you blessed holidays!

Florin Botar - PIEI Romania Missionary