Be Ready

Our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 

I would like to start by telling you again how much we appreciate your involvement in our shared purpose of being faithful workers in the Ministry that God called us to. A lot of years have already passed since we first met each other and started to serve the Lord together and for that I am grateful. God bless you!

As time goes by, I begin to wonder more and more about two things in particular: how fast time passes (and we along with it) and how rapidly things change worldwide. The Ukrainian war is directly threatening Romania. The Israeli-Palestinian war is dividing nations from all around the globe into being either Pro Israel or Pro Palestine, all of those only showing us how close we are to the moment when the Lord will come back for us. Maranatha!

The month of December of 2023 was quite an active month for us. Our major focus was planning an evangelistic event at the Community Center in Mihalţ. To do our part, we have spent a great deal of time giving flyers away, sharing invitations, and putting up posters all over the village, at the bus stops, shops, and public places to make sure everybody was invited and knew about the event. We are thankful to the Lord for the people that came and we are continuing to pray so that they will also receive the gift of salvation. Knowing that people are more open to receiving visitors and hearing about the Gospel during this time of celebration, we have also tried to visit them, encourage them with our presence, and tell them about the Good News.

The time of celebration and the winter holidays have quickly passed and here we are already, in the middle of January of 2024. The beginning of the year represented a hard time for me and my family as we have all caught some bad cases of colds, for me, it lasted for more than a month, but we are all feeling better now, by the grace of the Lord.

January is also the month when, along with the whole church, we will have an evaluation to make, about where we are based on what the Scripture says. I’m praying that God will give us spiritual wisdom so that we will be able to make an honest, correct, and biblical evaluation of who we are in the Light of the Scripture and where we are headed if we continue to go on this path. May this walk be one where our eyes will be fixed on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of our faith.

On the very first day of this new year, our sister, Maria Dusa has been called home by our God. She lived to be 94, a model and example of God’s faithfulness to us all.

Prayer requests:

  • For a clear guidance from the Holy Spirit;

  • For being able to do all things with all of our hearts, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, full of passion and zeal for the House of the Lord;

  • For spiritual and physical health;

  • To be ready to meet the Lord on the clouds

Daniel Petrut - PIEI Romania Missionary