Gospel Fruit from the Past, Working Today and into the Future

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord!

By the grace of God in April we had two more special meetings at the church of Crăciunel. It was a blessed time because we had two preachers from other parts of the country as guests. The messages brought refreshment to the faithful, and at the same time, a searching of repentance for friends who came to these meetings. May the Lord work in these troubled times. May the Gospel bring light to the souls of the lost!

Florina and Mark Darvell and their two boys visited the church in Ocna Mures. Florina gave a beautiful testimony from when she lived in Ocna Mures in 1993, one block away from my home. I forget the details of her speech, but as Florina told her testimony of turning to God, it brought tears to my eyes. She responded to God after the testimony I brought to an evangelistic outreach held in the cinema in the city. A sequence from Florina's testimony: “I didn’t understand much from brother Daniel's testimony then, but I did understand that Jesus died for our sins. I went home and prayed to the Lord, if there really was one, to free me from the passion of cigarettes. The next day, I no longer felt any desire to smoke!” It has been 28 years since then and … “

This testimony strengthened me more in my faith and desire to serve the Lord! The word is true that Paul planted, Apollo watered, but God made it grow. As for Florina, she was invited to the evangelism outreach by a young woman from the church. Then she started coming to the church with another young woman who lived in the same block of flats. Importantly, she was born again by the Spirit and is currently working with PIEI in the southern part of Romania. Praise God!

Prayer Requests

  • For spiritual and physical health

  • To make effective use of opportunities the Lord gives to serve those around us

  • For the salvation of many souls

  • For the Lord to raise up collaborators in our mission work

Be blessed!

Daniel Petruț – PIEI Missionary