Updates From Family Members

Dear brothers in Christ,   

Hello! We are so glad to be part of this great ministry, to spread the Good News for the lost people. We are thankful to God for all of you and your support. We believe that your prayers have a massive impact in the spiritual world, so we are glad to know that you are praying for us. However, nothing is the same as it was half a year ago.

A couple of weeks ago, school started, we have to follow a lot of new rules, some of them are easier, some are harder, like wearing a mask for about 8 hours a day and social distancing.   We, as a family, are pretty good, praise the Lord. We are able to have services in our church, but there must be a certain distance between each family, we have to wear masks and disinfect ourselves at the entrance to the church and at the exit. Even with all these rules, we are so happy to go to church and praise the Lord with the brothers and sisters there.


During this challenging time, I have tried to help some elderly widows from our church that I knew needed help. Along with Daniel, the children, sometimes even alone I would visit them, help them with their house chores, work in the garden or just talk to them. Most of the widows in our church lost their husbands over 20 years ago and as their children live pretty far away, they often feel lonely. Teodora likes listening to their old stories about how our village used to be when they were young and how much it changed over the last 50 years.  Praise the Lord!    

I have also used this time trying to get closer to God, reading the Bible more and listening to pastors preaching the gospel. It is truly amazing how God can reveal Himself to us. 


Last summer I went to a camp and kept in touch with some of the leaders there. At the beginning of this quarantine they asked me if i wanted to participate in a study group as a student. Its title was: I choose to be courageous! It lasted about 6 weeks. Later on, I started another study group about Joseph’s life. This one was in English and it was really exciting! When I finished both of them, they asked me if I wanted to start a study group about the book of Romans as a leader. With God’s help, this study is going to last until around November. It is quite weird, but still amazing how you can become really good friends and praise the Lord with some people, from all over the country, without meeting them in person, just through some Zoom meetings. 

I have also started to cook more, but both me and Filip like sleeping a lot so by the time we wake up (around 10- 11 am), our parents have probably already eaten. Thus, breakfast is not my strong point, but I like baking a lot. I have made Cinnamon Rolls, Croissants, Pasteis de Nata, Mini Cheesecakes, some cakes and a lot of cupcakes. Some of them were really good, some of them not so much from the first attempt, but they were all pretty much eatable.

With our hope that our Lord will come very soon, let’s work together for His glory. Amen!

Prayer requests:

  • Please keep praying for brother Elemer. After surgery, the doctors told his family that he has cancer. He and his family really need to be prayed for.

  • Please pray for us, to be able to keep doing His work here.

  • For the children to be safe at school.

  • For the elderly brothers and sisters to be encouraged by God

  • For guidance in the Holy Spirit and for an efficient ministry

  • For my family: for spiritual and physical health

  • Answered prayer:  Thank you for praying for my parents-in-law. God has worked amazingly. Their health has improved a lot!

God bless you all!  Best regards,

Daniel C. Petrut, PIEI-Romania Missionary