Varied Opportunities for the Gospel

Dear Partners in Evangelism brothers and sisters,

Thank you for all your material and spiritual the help in the Gospel. May the Lord bless you and reward you. I wish the grace of Jesus Christ to be over your families, and that this year the Lord may send his light and faithfulness to guide us in the work He has given each of us. 

In December I went to the fair in the village of Mârșani. I went with brothers to many families and houses where I preached the Gospel of Jesus. Also during this period there were two missionary brothers from Botoșani who worked in Mârșani with us as well as in the surrounding villages. I did meet a man in Mârșani who had received the Lord Jesus, and have since seen him several more times.

In the village of Mârșani we have a family of two brothers who are dumb (unable to speak). They stay with their in-laws, who are also dumb. There is another family in Căciulătești also with a speech deficiency.  These dumb people went to Mârșani several times. They have received the Lord Jesus in their life as Lord and Savior. Their names are Marian (43 years old) and Mirela (41 years old). Also, during this period I went to the Bechet fair and the Celaru fair where there are good opportunities to preach the Gospel to people. 

Since December 24 I have been quite ill. I have coughed but I did not have a fever; by the grace of the Lord Jesus my COVID-19 test was negative. I have entrusted my life to Him, and we believe that He still protects us from evil during the Winter holidays. The Lord enabled us to take gifts to poor families and needy children. Jesus does strengthen us, give us light, and bless us in the work we do.

Your brother in the Lord Jesus, 

Gabi Cuc, PIEI-Romania Missionary