About Valery Popov

About Valery Popov

My name is Valerii Popov.  I was born on June 25, 1970.  By the grace of God I received the Lord Jesus as my Savior in m heart and in my life at the age of 17.  Being a soldier in the Soviet Army I was in a place where I can attend church every Sunday.  At age 19, still being a soldier, I was baptized.

October 2016

These two families are Christian and educate the adopted children in a Christian context. We brought them food and had great fellowship. After our visit we were motivated to collect clothes for them and the children. 

September 2016

By God’s grace I had the opportunity to be used by God again this month. Besides preaching weekly in the local church I was involved in a week outreach in Sumy province, Ohtarka city. I went there with a brother from Brasov, Romania.