Sweet Fellowship

I would start with the Meeting with the Missionaries that we had in Alba Iulia at the PIEI Center. In those 3 days of fellowship, we all encouraged each other with words given to us by the Holy Spirit from His Word. We were honored at this gathering by brother Cornel and Gabi Stef, along with Grace. I don't think I can accurately convey how I felt in those moments. We all competed in how to serve one another, a "Lesson of Service," in which we missionaries were the elders. Then the greatest joy was when brother Cornel and Gabi Stef, along with Grace, came to the area where I serve. For 4 days, like never before, they participated in the mission with me. On Saturday, July 15th, we organized a fellowship meeting with a few families at the cabin where Christian Camps are held. Some of these families had recently returned to God. What happened in Alba Iulia continued in Curtea de Arges. Only the Spirit of God can describe the atmosphere of growth in which everyone felt encouraged, built up, advised, and comforted!

Both brother Cornel and sister Gabi prepared food better than at a restaurant. Brother Cornel suggested that we do something like this once a month. Then on Sunday, we went to the village of Oiesti to the Evangelical Church, where we had the entire program again, encouragement, comfort…

In the end, the people from the village agreed to take a group photo, like a grand celebration. After lunch, we went to the village Uiasca, where 3 families recently turned to God. Here, sister Gabi became friends with a young woman who desires to work with children and memorize God's Word.

On Monday, the whole day at the building where Christian Camps are held, sister Gabi, Grace, and brother Cornel took care of a group of girls from the Tigveni Orphanage. It was a sweet fellowship! Brother Cornel confessed to me that he is envious of me, but in a positive way, so that I feel encouraged. When you're surrounded by such brothers, how can you not serve with more zeal? I have to stop here, but I've only shown a glimpse of the joy these wonderful brothers have poured into us.

I would conclude with a word that greatly uplifted me, "1 Peter 4:11  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

We pray for the PIEI Committee in Romania and the USA. I joyfully pray for all of them, and I know they also pray for me.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary