Anticipating the Future: PIEI Romania/Ukraine in 2024

I woke up this morning with a sense of anticipation, contemplating what God has in store for me today, tomorrow, and the year ahead. I am deeply grateful for each person who has stood beside the ministry of Partners in Evangelism International in Romania and Ukraine, offering their encouragement and support. The love and gratitude extended to our ministry have been felt and cherished.

Since my immigration from Romania in 1983, God has instilled in me a desire to seek His will for my life. After some years, it became clear that God intended for us to return and contribute to spreading the gospel in Romania. A guiding verse in my life is Matthew 6:33, urging us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, with the promise that all necessary things will be provided. This verse has been a wellspring of strength and courage, sustaining me through life's challenges.

In the U.S., where the culture emphasizes planning and making resolutions for the upcoming year, I have chosen a different path. I commit to taking each day with God, trusting Him regardless of the circumstances that may unfold. A quote from my pastor, Garry Clark, resonates deeply: “I Am Not Sure What Tomorrow Holds But I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.” This encapsulates the unwavering trust and reliance on God's sovereignty in the face of uncertainty.

Despite living in a time of rapid cultural change, we find solace in clinging to an unchanging Hope. What a tremendous blessing it is to have God leading and guiding our lives. May this journey continue to be filled with faith, courage, and the assurance that, no matter the challenges, God holds our tomorrows.

As I look ahead to the ministry in Romania for the year 2024, particularly focusing on the PIEI-missionaries we collaborate with in 28 locations, the scope of the work can be overwhelming at times. However, I find solace in the belief that with God, everything is possible.

One remarkable figure in the ministry in Romania is Gavril Cuc, an older missionary who operates mostly behind the scenes. Gavril diligently gathers prayer requests from all missionaries, demonstrating a deep commitment to intercessory prayer. His prayers extend beyond the borders of Romania, encompassing missionaries in Partners In Evangelism not only in Ukraine but also here in the United States.

It's crucial to recognize that our national missionaries in Romania face challenges similar to those we encounter. Some of them are at the forefront, pioneering ministry or planting churches in villages devoid of evangelical presence. Picture this: a missionary enters a village, and perhaps there is only one person eager to learn about the Lord, or a family that has embraced the faith. In such scenarios, these missionaries seize the opportunity to invite others into the fold, sharing the gospel with those who have yet to hear about it and establishing connections within the community.

The majority of our missionaries are actively engaged in leading disciple groups that they have established to impart the teachings of the Word of God. Virtually anyone who has embraced Christianity in recent years participates in these groups, seeking spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of the Lord through the study of Scripture.

As some missionaries progress in their efforts, they reach a stage where they have secured a dedicated space, often a building. In such cases, they extend their outreach beyond the core group, which may include several families that have embraced Christianity. These missionaries initiate various programs such as Vacation Bible School (VBS), kids' programs, youth programs, and even initiatives for the elderly. For instance, they might assist widows by providing them with winter wood and helping with the splitting process.

Remarkably, these efforts are not limited to Christians alone; missionaries extend their support to non-Christians as well. This intentional inclusivity fosters relational connections, prompting observers to inquire about the motivation behind such compassionate actions. The answer lies in the profound motivation rooted in "The Love of Christ."

One of the foremost prayer requests from our national missionaries is for protection from the evil one. They keenly sense the spiritual attacks emanating from the forces of darkness, and their continual need for prayer revolves around seeking strength and courage to navigate their daily lives. The adversary's primary target is often their families, and missionaries request prayers for the safeguarding of their loved ones.

Beyond familial protection, the missionaries also face challenges in maintaining positive relationships with those around them, especially as they strive to share their faith. The devil seeks to compromise these connections, making it crucial for missionaries to seek prayers for the preservation of their interpersonal bonds.

In the challenging task that God has entrusted to them, missionaries express a need for wisdom. Navigating the complexities of their work requires divine guidance, and they seek the discernment to fulfill the purpose God has set before them.

Additionally, health holds a significant place in their lives, emphasizing the importance of prayers for their well-being. For those who have recently embraced Christ, missionaries request prayers for the strengthening of their faith, particularly in the initial stages of their journey.

These aspects are just a glimpse of the ongoing communication we have with missionaries in the field. Your prayers are earnestly requested to support them in facing these challenges and fulfilling their mission.

Reaching Romania: Support Needed for Key Projects

As we press forward with our efforts in Romania, we have essential projects that require your support:

  • Necrilesti Retreat Cabin:

  • We are in the final stages of completing the cabin on the retreat side in Necrilesti, and we require an additional $50,000.00 to bring this project to fruition.

  • Podari Training Center:

  • Thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully completed the roofing for the training center in Podari. Now, we are embarking on the remodeling of two rooms, and an additional $9,000.00 is needed to accomplish this phase.

  • Alba Complex Kitchen:

  • As we near the completion of the kitchen at Alba Complex, we are in need of $5,000.00 to finalize this vital project.

Your contribution can make a significant impact on these initiatives. If you are considering supporting any of these projects, please proceed with your donation here.

Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission in Romania. Your generosity helps us make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

Short-Term Mission Trip with Long Term Impact - Romania/Ukraine, Summer July/August

Embark on a journey with Partners in Evangelism International (PIEI), a dedicated missions organization committed to spreading the Gospel by supporting National Missionaries in Church Planting.

Team Description:

Join this year's mission team to directly collaborate with local church planters in Romania, engaging in a variety of roles such as outreach, evangelism, children's ministry, and more. The specific focus of the trip will be shaped by the unique skills and gifts of the assembled team.

Key Points:

  • Open to All Giftings and Abilities: Whether you have a heart for evangelism, a passion for outreach, or skills in children's ministry, all gifts and abilities are welcome to apply.

  • Flexibility is Key: A spirit of flexibility and a willingness to serve cross-culturally are crucial components of this mission trip. Your adaptability will enable the team to navigate diverse contexts effectively.

This short-term mission trip promises not only to impact the communities in Romania and Ukraine but also to be a transformative experience for each participant. Apply now and be part of a journey that leaves a lasting mark on both the lives of those you serve and your own.

Cornel Stef - Chairmen for Romania and Ukraine