The Blessings Of Obedience Part 2

We began our last update with Deuteronomy 15:4-6. With this update, we will take you on a journey of over 30 years through the first-hand experiences of a fine English lady named Angela. This is her story, as told to me over several meetings, of how our Lord worked through her life for many years to bring the love of Jesus to Romania. I pray I can do it justice as it demonstrates how our Lord can call someone just like you and me and use them to bring glory and honor to Him!

This journey is not about anyone from the USA. It is about a committed group of Christians from England that followed our Lord’s Vision and pursued a calling He placed on their hearts. This vision was not without risk, financial hardship, or any guarantee of personal welfare. As we present this legacy of love for our Lord and His Kingdom, we pray that you may see how our Lord can use your life to join His Work. His view is so much greater than ours, and He sees you as you seek to join Him in His Perfect Will. 

St Peter’s (1867) & St Paul’s (1861) Hextable & Swanley Village Anglican Churches, located on the Kent – London border in the United Kingdom, had a group of people that felt God was leading them as a church to initiate a mission work in Romania. One of the members of this group was a single lady named Angela. She was in her 30s, experienced many difficult challenges in life, and just recently accepted the Lord as her personal Savior. Three men from the UK had come to Romania to assist with the construction of an orphanage and reported to the church members upon their return the desperate need for assistance in this country. 

Angela and the other members came together and prayed for our Lord’s leading regarding Romania. One of the men saw a vision of a house in Romania; however, no details on where that house was located. They continued to pray, search numerous maps, and discuss and seek unity on how to proceed for many months. Not having any clue where to go and only one credible contact, a pastor in Romania, God impressed upon the group to go to Romania. 

The only problem was that no one could enter Romania without a visa. The one way for people to get a visa in 1993 is to bring humanitarian aid. A representative from the churches above visited the Romanian embassy in the UK and requested visas so they could bring aid to the country. The Romanian embassy approved their visa applications and additionally gave the group contacts in Romania where they could deliver the aid. 

Angela, along with a group of ten people, hired a mini-bus and a small trailer (currently still sitting on the property) and drove to Romania.  They traveled over the English Channel, through France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and into Romania, delivering the aid (clothing, shoes, coats, hats, etc.) exactly as they had been instructed. After delivering the aid, as promised, they met the pastor contact to learn more about the need for the Gospel in Romania. He was an evangelist who went to different villages and planted several churches. The group brought musical instruments and drama actors, along with a Romanian interpreter (Emil). They went along with the pastor to several small cities where they would perform songs and put on skits. 

As they were driving to one of the small cities on the way to a performance, they had to go through a village that seemed to attract members of the group. One of the individuals actually turned the wrong way, and they all wound up at the top of a hill overlooking a small city named, Podari. From the top of the hill, overlooking the city, Keith saw the house he had seen in his vision. 

Stay Tuned for the Next Chapter in the Blessing of Obedience…..

PIEI is truly blessed by our Lord to have been gifted the fruits of this incredible ministry, including all assets and property, located in Podari, Romania! In celebration of this amazing blessing, we recently held our PIEI missionary meeting at our new Southern Ministry location! Everyone is celebrating the further expansion of PIEI into Southern Romania. This new location allows PIEI to better support our Southern missionaries, house teams from the USA, conduct camps, meetings, retreats and many other activities throughout the Craiova, Romania area.

PIEI Missions Director - Romania/Ukraine