Summer Camps- Mihai Gortopan

We praise our God for leading us in the ministry and blessing us abundantly during the first month of summer and not only. June started with day camps for children lead by sisters of our church. This is a great ministry among unsaved children, as they can hear the Word of God, simply, on their level through games, Bible contests and memorization of Bible verses. Through these camps children learn better the Bible, draw nearer to God and take useful lessons about Jesus Christ for their fragile lives. I pray the Lord to work at their little hearts. During the past month our sisters held day camps for children in many surrounding villages. I pray for all children who heard the Word of God to be touched by the Holy Spirit in their hearts and seek God. 

Our youth and teens have Bible studies every week. I am glad for them that they learn the Word, which is alive and works in their hearts holiness, so useful for every Christian who follows Jesus. I wish that through every activity we do, to glorify our God only and His followers to grow spiritually. 

Love, Mihai Gortopan