Make Disciples

By the grace of God, here we are in this winter month, albeit without snow. Right from the beginning, I would like to share that at the beginning of this month, I was scheduled for tests and investigations at Fundeni Hospital to obtain the Medical Letter to get my Immunosuppressants. And I am joyfully announcing to you that the tests came out very well, especially regarding my liver. Another reason for joy is that my wife can eat and has gained weight. Especially after meals, I take her to the Church program. Another reason for joy is Sunday afternoon, on the way to another village, namely Gura Văii, where, together with the Maruntelu family and a soul named Ilie, we shared the gospel, and he accepted the Lord Jesus. With the Disciple Making School, we have reached step 7, it's been over a year since we started, and we all enjoy it because every time we learn new things. We now have Christianity and Confession as subjects, which we also share in other churches where we are invited. If we want local churches to grow, every child of God must be involved in Witnessing. For effectiveness, before going to the person with whom we are going to share the gospel, let's go to God in prayer ,and pray that God will prepare the hearts we are going to share the gospel with. In this regard, I encouraged the girls from the orphanage when I went with a brother last Friday to the program at the Church. I told them that they are Missionaries in the Orphanage, that's their field. Lately, I have been invited to many christian gatherings because they have heard that here in Oiesti we have started a Disciple Making School, and it is an opportunity to implement this vision in as many places as possible. And it is a great joy for me to tell them that before rising to heaven, the Lord Jesus said, "GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND MAKE DISCIPLES!" Not children because God begets children. This is our responsibility. I am glad that this week we have a fellowship meeting in Drăgănești-Olt at sister Florina's, and I am eagerly awaiting it. I would also like to say that every evening I mention you by name in Prayer, both the PIE Romania and US committees. For brother Cornel and Gabi Ștef, I heard you have a very strict regimen, for sister Rodica and Alex Popa, who are like parents, for Timotei I am a bit worried, he has a lot of work, and I am afraid he might fall under the burden! For Jenu and Mike, I pray that the Lord Jesus will protect them in His grace. For our wonderful sponsors, I wish them everything heaven desires for them: for the Ed and Dydi family, for the Matei Scheau family and sister Naomi, for sister Mărioara Barac, and her daughter Gabi, who donated to PIEI. And many others, I pray for everyone's health and for the Lord Jesus to reward them as He sees fit! Amen. I conclude with a verse that has done me much good: Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania