Sweet Partnership

From July 5-8 I enjoyed a partner time fellowship with PIEI missionaries to a team from a US team led by brother Cornel Stef.

My prayer book has new names. This team from the United States over four days filled our hearts with the Word of God. These names are written in my notebook for which I mention in my prayers: Cornel Stef, his daughter Sarah who helped us how to make our reports; sister Marta although retired is eager to serve the Lord; Carole and David with five children and twelve grandchildren (the first time in Romania) encouraged us in our service.

The pastors of Global/ Local Engagement at Liberty Bible Church Kevin and David held a seminar throughout these days that made us feel like we'd gone to Heaven. Sister Elizabeth, born in China but living in the US, was interested and attracted to the orphanage.

We maintained sweet partnership with each other throughout the five days. They listened to where we are working, what we are facing, and much more.

This month I was scheduled at Fundeni for analysis and I am happy to announce that my reports are really good. An opportunity to give praise to the Lord that He works in His way. I go weekly to the orphanage as well as to two villages. I'm aware that I'm working, but it's all God's credit.

I would like to offer for prayer:

  • My wife has the beginning of Alzheimer disease

  • To make disciples as the Lord Jesus leads me to His chosen ones

  • May new doors open to me for spreading the gospel

I conclude with this verse 2 Corinthians 13:11 “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.”.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary