The Unpredictable Mission

First I want to remind us to pray for each other although our situations and needs may be different.

Just now I was told that a husband and wife from the village of Rotunda went to Hungary for work. They had come to church and lived in a small room opposite the building. He had laid the foundation of the building. However, before he found work he died there in Hungary. Now we are in charge of bringing them home. I've sent a brother with my car to Hungary. Pray with us for God to work all things together for His glory.

Another work which is a great blessing to me is the work with the girls from the orphanage. We started the "Research Me" course, and we are in the second lesson. We had a program with Easter gifts, which I had bought for them from a list. I went to a village (Dumirești Valley) on Sunday, and I delivered food gifts. I still have to go to Rotunda with gifts, but I have to see when I can deliver them because this week I also have a funeral.

I delighted in the fellowship in Alba-Iulia with the brothers. Timothy, Emanuel and Jenu made us all feel equal; I can say it was a partnership of the heart. As they led the sessions we were updated in each others ministries. I like these sessions, but the most important part remains the meeting together at the throne of grace every night at 9 pm. There all the missionaries meet together in sweet communion.

In May Timothy will visit me at the places where I minister. Please know we pray every night for all the missionaries, the PIEI Committee in Romania and USA. We pray for the health of your whole families, for your the work, and for all our sponsors. We carry you in prayer before the throne of grace as you have us in your hearts.

I conclude with Romans 8:38-39: “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

In the grace of God,

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary
