Thanksgiving at Ocna Mures

 We write to you, through God’s grace, again after a pretty long period of time. At the begining of August I enjoyed taking part of brother Cornel and sister Gaby Stef’s missionary team in Ukraine. Immediately  after we came back in Romania, Father Lord allowed our faith to be tasted:because of a tention between two brothers from the church’s comity I had to involved myself in counciling and preventing this conflict. During this time I dealed with some healthy problems because of which I had to be hospitalized in Cluj Napoca. My time there and  my imposibility to do some work problems created at school tension too.

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  Through God’s grace we tried to be senzitive of Holy Spirit’s whisper and to do God’s will in everything. At Ocna Mures things start being normal again. On the last Sunday of September we enjoyed together the Thanksgiving. For keeping my blood pressure in normal limits I have to take a treatment and a strict diet. At school, things are becoming good again, but my work schedule is not as flexible as before and I have more work to do. Praise Lord for everything!

Prayer requests:

-for a harmonic  fellowship between the brothers in Ocna Mures

-for my and family’s health( spiritual and phisically)

-to give a good testamony to my office collegues and the sudents in school.

   Be blessed!

Daniel C Petrut, PIE Misionary