January 2017

In January our church was involved in many evangelisms and charity events, bringing fruit of repentance among young people and the older ones. We praise the Lord for this.

Our youth and children had a great Christmas concert at church. A lot of young people and children from the city were at the concert. We pray for all of them to find the Lord. After the Christmas service all the church went down the church basement for a cup of tea having great fellowship with each others.

The most affecting experience in January was my trip to the war area, where along with some brothers from Romania, we served the Lord and the people in need there by bringing goods and money that our church raised for them. I learned how dangerous and scary is to live with the fear of being shut or bombed in each moment of your life. The conditions the people live there are inadmissible. They were so thankful for the aid we brought them! We should not stop to pray for the people in the war area of our country. Our brothers in Christ there told us that people and churches were awakened and came nearer to God because of the war. However we should continue to support them financially and pray for them. I thanked the Lord for protecting us so we could reach our homes safe. 

My family is sending warm greetings to Cornel and Gabi Stef and to Marilyn and Carl Rosema. May the Lord bless you! 

Best wishes, Pastushak Grigory