November 2017

Dear brothers,

I greet you with the peace of the Lord!

In November God has helped me to work in His vineyard. As usual I started my ministry in November by visiting the sick people of the church and sharing with them the Communion. The youth of the church come with me and we preach and sing songs in the sick people’s homes. This in an efficient method to evangelize the sick’s unsaved relatives and neighbors. We praise the Lord as several relatives have started to attend our church.

I visited the church in Cherlena, a neighbor village, bringing joy to the local church members. Every Sunday a preacher from our church visits the church in Malinesht encouraging that small church. I and my wife visited this little church one Sunday afternoon.

The youth and children of the church are getting ready for the Christmas holidays. They do singing practice and make the program for the winter evangelisms we are going to have during the winter holidays. We want to go caroling at people’s houses in our village and the neighboring villages. We are going to invite all the people we will carol to church where we will have Christmas special programs and evangelisms. We pray for this ministry.

With the youth we prepared our church building for winter cleaning and supplying it with wood.

Thank you for supporting us in the ministry. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! We wish you Merry Christmas and receive many greetings from my family.

Love, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar