November 2016

With God’s grace I was involved in the Lord’s vineyard ministry. At the beginning of the month I visited four sick members of our church who are bound to bed and cannot come to church. I encouraged them and also talked to their relatives who are not saved. I always invite them to church when I talk to them and pray for them to be saved. 

At church we celebrated 26 years since the opening of the church building in our village. With this occasion we had a great evangelism at church with lots of guests. Our youth and children had a wonderful praise and worship program. We pray for those people who came to church for the first time and heard the Gospel.

I am glad that our youth are keen to get involved in each ministry so we started to clean the center of our village. The leaders of the village were thankful to us. 

We had a joy in our family as in November we had the baby dedication of our grandson Oliver, David and Inga’s son. We had a lot of guests on that day.

My wife Nadia leads the ladies’ meetings. They gather each Monday for prayer and Bible study. Then they go and visit the sick and the old members of our church. There they offer their help. I am glad that lour sisters are involved in the Lord’s ministry by praying for others and helping those in need. 

At the moment we are doing preparations for Christmas and New Year. Our youth and children are preparing a beautiful program with carols and poetry. We plan to go caroling in our village and in the neighboring villages. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to share the Good News to everybody. 

We always thank the Lord for you, for you help. May the Lord reward your sacrifice and bless you and your families! My family is sending you greetings in Jesus’ name1

Love, your brother in Christ, Alexa Paskari