Assistance to Gostomel

Greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Writing for you, Grigory Kioresko.

I am very pleased to know that you are praying for us for all the ministry that is being conducted here in Ukraine. The war is on, it’s not clear what will happen? But we, the children of God, trust in our God, and thanks to your prayers and your help, we do everything possible so that more people learn about God.

Last week we again visited people in Gostomel. After the accident, this was the first meeting with them. I was afraid that they would run away, but they were really waiting, and we met, and they listened to the Word of God. There were about 240-250 people.

Two people received the Lord there and are preparing for baptism.

In the Church in the village of Rakitnoye, one sister received the Lord. The Church is very happy, and so is Heaven.

On Tuesday, I went to Moldova and preached at a funeral. There were a lot of people listening to the sermon.

We are preparing for baptism, we have not yet agreed on a date, but thank God for His mercy.

Please continue to pray for us, we need it.

For my family, for me, so that I never remain silent, but preach the Word.

Pray for me and the team. We want to go closer to the front line to feed the soldiers and officers, therefore, pray for us.

Once again I thank the Lord for you and finish writing.

Be blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.