Visiting military hospital

Greetings brothers and sisters, all PIE mission staff. Kioresko Gregory writes for you, about all the blessings, already this year.

God gave us a blessed time, and we were free to work in His field. There is a war in the country, and in many cities, villages, the occupiers have closed houses of prayer, and pastors and believers are accused of collaborating with the enemy if they pray for our country, Ukraine.

We celebrated Christmas on December 25, and on January 7, we also gathered at the House of Prayer, but basically the whole holiday was on 25.

This year, 9 Jan. we gathered the children in the house of prayer, made a Christmas party for them, sang songs, listened to stories about the born Savior, and at the end, distributed gifts. It was a very blessed time, there were about 60 children.

City of Gostomel. This month I was 2 times, I visited people there, poor, but who are looking for God. With God's help, we opened a group there, they gave us a room, in one house where there was a pharmacy. The first service was on December 25, and then every Sunday, people gather there, stay with us, and listen to the Word of God. We hope that a new Church will open there from such people, once godless, military, and now they believe in God.

Also, a week ago, our Church in the village of Rakitnoe, we raised money, as best we could, I announced that we needed to go to the wounded guys, the soldiers in the hospital, and I asked if they wanted to buy a kilogram of tangerine ... and everyone said yes, and they gave money is not only per kilogram. We made 100 sets of fruit, and a lot of sweets and carried the soldiers. I also invited brother Valera Popov, and together we, and three other brothers, visited these guys. In every chamber they preached about God and prayed with them. Each of these soldiers testified how God saved them. It was a wonderful time for us. God bless.

I also participated in the ordination of a pastor, in the church of the city of Novoselitsa, and in other Churches in the region, participated in the sermon, and the election of pastors and deacons.

Also in my village I help poor people with food and clothes.

Brothers, sisters, I thank you very much for your financial and prayer support, I believe that we are doing this work together. Every day I thank God for you, and for His grace given to me, for the privilege of being His worker in His field. God bless.

Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for the children who heard the word of God at Christmas.

  • For a new group, and for a new Church in Gostomel, for those people, so that they give their lives to God.

  • For me, so that I can be near them, in prayer, in word and with food.

  • For the fact that God helped, to get the products necessary for them.

  • Pray for these soldiers, from the hospital, that they recover, and that they do not forget God, but that they trust in him.

  • Pray for me that God would give me wisdom in everything, in work in the Churches, and with those in need, so that God would keep both on the road, on trips, and in the family, and for the family, so that all those whom the Lord gave me remained faithful Him to the end. "I and my whole house, we will serve the Lord."

  • Pray that the war ends soon, that the bloodshed and the shedding of tears end.

I am very grateful to you, brothers and sisters, for the products that the brothers from Romania, Timofey, Mike, brought us. Next week, I will go to Gostomel.

Thank God for you, thank God for everything.

Be blessed.

With love to you: the Kioresko family.