A soul came to Jesus


Greetings to you dear brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your brother and minister, Gregory Kioresko, is addressing you.

I am very grateful to my God for the fact that He blessed me and my family, that He blessed the ministry that He entrusted. I thank God for leading me, and for me it is a great privilege to serve such a God.

I constantly thank God for you, dear ones, for praying for me, supporting me in prayer and financially.

Recently, I have visited many Churches in our area, where we could rejoice, encourage each other, help choose ministers, deacons and pastors, and ordain ministers for ministry.

I preached at funerals and evangelistic services where I saw tears of repentance.

Recently, I have been doing social work in our Churches in the region. I organized grocery packages for the poor, widows with children, and preached to people, and showed how good our God is. Many of them thanked God with tears for His kindness.

Now I have begun preparing for baptism, and we pray for this ministry that the Lord will be glorified.

Prayer needs:

  • Pray for the candidates for baptism, that God will strengthen their faith, so that they will testify before the people.

  • Pray for those who come to our service, but cannot decide to repent.

  • Pray for me, for my family, that God will keep us, and to be faithful to Him in everything. Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom, in any decision, so that he could remain in His will.

On this I will finish writing. Stay with the Lord, and He is blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresco family.