Baptism at church

1. Peace to all employees of the PIEI mission.

Thank you for your joint ministry that we could one more month to work with your help. We had services both in the church and in the society that surrounds us.

Thank God and thank you for your prayers and material support.

You are always in our heart, we pray for you and thank you always, may the good hand of God be upon you and help you always in your ministry.

2. Thus ended the summer month, it was an interesting and difficult but blessed season of service for the glory of God.

- we had a service in the church with our teenagers from the church who sing and my daughter plays so that those who attend the service can listen.

- we had a special prayer of blessing over the children who will go to school from September 1.

- God also helped to hold another meeting with teenagers from our village in the house of prayer on the topic of the Word of God.

- we visit sisters at home who cannot come to the house of prayer.

- also God gave the opportunity to be at the regional conference with the brothers in Boyany for three days, led by guests from America and Romania, and the head of the union, we had a community to build.

3. Please pray for the next meeting we are planning in September with children and teenagers, so that the Word they hear will be accepted into their hearts.

4. May God richly bless you, your work and service wherever you are for His glory and the salvation of many people.

5. Also we had the baptism in our church. 4 souls devoted their lives to Christ.

Thank you for your help and support always and on time.

Your loved ones, employees, Dzyadyk's family.