Cornel Fogorosiu


My name is Cornel Fogorosiu, I am a missionary at Partners in Evangelism International / Romania since 1995.

I am married with Ana Fogorosiu and together we have 6 children, 4 boys and 2 girls.

I was born into a family of christian believers, and in 1974 I recieve Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life, at the Baptist Church of Fagaras.

In 1988 I graduated the theological studies at the Betania Bible School in Sibiu.

About Ministry

Between 1990 and 1995, I worked for church planting in places where they were no believers, along with a team from Sibiu County, sent by the Betania Baptist Church in Sibiu.
Since 1995, after we planted two churches, I stepped into ministry as Pastor, being ordained by the Baptist Community of Sibiu. Now, i am pastor at 2 Churches in Sibiu County, in the villages: Nou and Hasag.
In the pastoral ministry I saw the great need of new converts to learn how to live by serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

“The Light” Project

In 2001, I started to meet with the families of Nou Village and I saw the great need these children had, after completing primary school (the first 8 classes) to learn a job, to earn money, to help their families. In this village there are only poor people, so we prayed to God to give us a solution to help them in this direction. This year (2001) we decided to help three students, covering their transport costs (monthly subscription - Sibiu - Nou Village) and the necessary requisites.

To our great joy, these students have managed to graduate and qualify for a job. During this time, they also attended Church meetings and shortly, they received Christ as their personal Savior. Seeing that, I had a great joy and courage to help others. Since then, we have continued to help children graduating from the 8th grade every year, and now, in 2019, we have 24 children that we support monthly with transport money to go to the high school. At the same time, all of these children came weekly to a youth meeting that we have. They hear the Word of God and they have the opportunity to discover God. Many of their parents also heard the Gospel through them. Parents are very grateful that, now, these children who have graduated, have a job and can financially support the family.

”Religion in School” Project

In 2004, the school director in Nou Village invited me to teach religion at school. I saw this as an open door for God and I thought it was a great opportunity to spread the Gospel. I started with 12 children, who were from christian families, and now I teach to 7 different classes, at the same school. Now, most children attending religious classes came from non-believers families but their parents have expressed their desire for their children to learn Baptist religion at school. It is a great blessing to be with the other teachers in school who can also hear the Gospel.

Summer camps project

Camps for children: For 10 years in a row, we organized summer camps with children, where 20 to 30 children participated. Most of these children came without any financial contribution.
The program included the following activities: bible study, sports games, and other workshops.

Youth camps: We organized 4 camps of this kind, in which we had young people who received the Lord in their lives. These camps included: bible study, worship, games, practical applications in taught lessons, bible verses memorization, prayer, contests.

Camps for women: These camps we organized especially for women who had children and were unable to recreate themselves. With the help of God, we offered them a time to disconnect from the family, spending time in prayer and fellowship with each other.

Prayer Requests:

  • In 2022, I will be retiring. We pray that the Lord would bring out a young man with theological training and a missionary call to take over the work from the school;

  • For believers here, who know God, to live a life of testimony among the unbelievers;

  • Pray that the Lord will raise up a new generation of believers to serve Him.

How can you get involved?

  • Prayer;

  • In our students project, we need financial. You can involve supporting 1, 2 or 3 students to complete their studies;

  • In the summer camps project, we need financial support every year.

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  chairperson-Cornel Stef

