I give glory to the Lord for the wonderful way He works. The Lord called home brother Nicholas, who had both legs amputated. Five months before, he asked to be baptized. Then I asked him: - why do you want to be baptized? and he answered: - I am ready.

It is so important to come to the Lord before it’s too late. He was a testimony to all those close by, who still stay away from the Lord.
At his funeral, it was a great opportunity for evangelism. May the Lord work in the hearts of those in His family and help them return to the Lord until it is not too late.

Also a great joy I had to hear from two young students: Nicolae and Paul, who decided to follow the Lord and want to testify, to be baptised. This is a fruit of the program (Luminita) by which we help the students who finish the eighth grade to contiune study in Sibiu, to prepare themselves for jobs. We pay bus tickets for this program, because for most their parents cannot do it. We also put them in contact with the Gospel, because every week we meet at the church, where we pray, sing and learn from the Word of God.

Now we see the fruits of this work, and we are encouraged to see people following the Lord. We ask them to be resolute and steadfast, and to be an example for others. I mention that in this program we have 24 students, and all are from families who are not from the church.

We praise the Lord for the wonderful way He works.

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary



I am glad to share with you some of what the Lord has helped us do this month.
We had the joy of having a team with their pastor, from Virginia (USA), who worked with the children in our church, and the pastor brother served us with the gospel at the Sunday service.
We had children here for the first time in a christian context, we pray that the Lord bless their lives. This team was an encouragement for us.
We also have two reasons for prayer. A sister from the church, Maria, suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. Pray for her and her family. Her family members are unbelievers and the husband is an alcoholic.
Another reason is a boy named Costel who has the left foot broken. We pray that the Lord will work in his life, through this suffering. A few years ago he came to the church but now he does not come anymore. We believe the Lord can bring him back.
Thank you for your prayers,

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary


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With the help of the Lord, we had a great opportunity to organize a baptism. Some time ago I talked to you about more visits to a brother who has both legs amputated. In the final visit, after we prayed together, he asked me: "When can you baptize me?" I answered, "Why do you want to baptize?" And the answer was: "To be ready for heaven”. It was a great joy to hear this, and I said we would do that soon.

The next week we organized his baptism. It was a wonderful opportunity to evangelize, because many of the children and relatives came to see the baptism.
Most of them have never been to a church. We preached the Word of God, we sang and prayed, and then baptized. It was a great joy for the brother, and also an example for many who are far from the Lord, although they have two legs and make no step towards Him.
I prayed for the Lord to work on their hearts.


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Together with my family, we went to the US, so this update it’s a little bit late.
We had the wedding with our Ema daughter in Charlotte, NC, we had a great time together with the whole family. It was a miracle that we all received the visa. God be glorified!!

Now we are back and we pray that the Lord will be with them there in US and with us here in Romania.

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary

Praying for the sick ones

With the help of God, during this period, I made several visits to the sick people. I want to tell you something about it: We have a brother in Christ who has both legs amputated above his knee. When I entered him in the room, he was alone and when he saw me he started to smile and said, "I waited for you to come to me."

I was encouraged to see him gladly and hopefully. I brought him some words from the Bible, we prayed and then he said, "Brother, nothing hurts, I have peace and I am quiet.”

We pray that the Lord be with him, and work also in the hearts of his children who doesn’t know Him.

Also, in the last month we had a special prayer time at Church for each family every Sunday in the morning service.
We prayed at first for widow or sick brothers & sisters. We motivated the church to show our love by continuing to pray all week for them and to make visits.
I was glad to see that a group of sisters visited every week. They came and confessed their joy and the ones they visited. I pray that our love for our neighbors will grow more.

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary

God bring us Joy

I want to bring you some of the joys that the Lord has given us lately. In our family God sent a boy, Taylor to Ema - one of our daughters. They're going to get married this spring. He's an american, his parents are from Michigan. Now we pray that the Lord will give them open doors at interview and get visa for United States of America. We had a blessed time when Taylor came in our family.

Another event, in the kids ministry in our church, My wife Nuti and Gina, another sister working with children, had a good time with them, celebrating the day of a girl for whom they prayed with all the other children.

Another special moment was the visit we made to the sick people. We have two sick sisters: --- Elizabeth and Valeruta for whom we pray that the Lord will be with them in their suffering.

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary

Christmas Events



I wish you all a new year full of blessings and victories in Jesus Christ!

Through God’s grace we ended 2018 and also through His grace, we stepped into 2019. At the end of the year we celebrated the birth of Christ and during this time we shared the Gospel in our church and in people’s homes. At church, we had a special time at kids’ program because the parents brought some friends with them. I pray that God bless them all.

I also had the privilege to meet a family who doesn’t know Christ as a Savior but, through this occasion, they decided to start a relationship with Him.

We had a great time together, with tears of joy flowing from their eyes. At the end of the meeting, the man told me: “I felt the presence of God and I am extremely happy”. Please pray for them (Cornel, Andreea & Ionel) !

The beginning of the new year was spent in fellowship and prayer with brothers and sisters from different churches. We had a few days of prayer and worship together and it was a blessed time. There was also a boy named Alex who told me that he wants to receive Christ in his life! Glory to God!

Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Missionary

November updates

With joy I want to greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I had a beautiful fellowship with the churches in the nearby villages on the occasion of the Thanksgiving.

I spoke to the brothers and sisters and we decided to have a Sunday just for the church members, for a special and close fellowship.
It was a special Sunday in which we enjoyed together and we prayed for one another and eat together. An experience of great fellowship!

Please for sister Elisabeta who has paralyzed and is on her bed for two weeks.
Also a new group of students started school.

I prayed for the Lord to be with you all!

In Christ,

Cornel Fogorosiu

Helping young people to attend school

With the beginning of the school, we resumed the project with students who finished eight classes.

By the grace of God, and this year, we continue to help some same school students to attend school in a high school or college.

We decided to help them pay for the bus fee, which for their parents would be a heavy burden and for some even impossible. The monthly subscription price per student is $53

The Lord is so good and we also had the opportunity to help 17 children this year.

Beside paying them the bus, every week we meet at the church, where we sing, pray and teach them about God and how we can be saved from our sins. It is a great opportunity for me to do this and I pray toGod to do the miracle of saving their souls.

We thank God for all those who help in this project.

May the Lord bless you.

Cornel Fogorosiu

(some pictures of the students are attached in the post)

At the beginning of the year I had a meeting with the church where we pray as a congregation for them and for their entire families, and I thanked God for all who supported this project.

Ready to start the school

Before the school started, I did a few visits to families with children, where I also took a few nice items in a school bag.

In every family we were able to tell them a little about God and pray with them, both for the family and for the children who start school.

It was a beautiful opening and they created very good connections with families, for which we continue to pray.

I am also in this school where I teach religion to seven classes.

We believe the Lord will make this work bear fruit over the years.

It is a great opportunity to fine-tune between teachers and children and also to plant the seed of the Word of God into their hearts.

Thank you for all your support!

see some pictures below

The Importance of Prayer

With all our heart, we thank the Lord for the grace of a new year. We pray that He would guide and help us serve Him with all we have and all our being.

As we have done in previous years, we started the new year with a week of prayer, a time of blessing from God when our hearts were moved. We were glad to see the brothers and sisters who participated with joy at these prayer meetings. We were blessed with visits from other churches; we in turn visited some churches, praying and fellowshipping together. It is wonderful to unite with the brethren in prayer with thanks and intercession. I was glad to see how open people were in sharing their joys and problems brought before the Lord. We know that He listens and answers our prayer in His great mercy. These evenings were motivating. Some of the sisters told me they were very encouraged during the fellowship; they felt energized and bold to come before the Lord with their problems.

We seem to have more reason to pray for each other and to visit each other more often, especially for the sick. May the Lord help us to live this reality in our life!

We have also gone through a hard time as a family. My wife was in the hospital with heart problems. We praise God that she is much better now, and at home. This was a difficult time, but a good reminder that we depend on God in every moment, that we have to be prepared to meet Him and confess Him in any place and any time. After she left the hospital, my wife received a call from one of the hospital room mates who told her she was like a mother for her and the other sick women in the ward, by helping and praying for them. We pray that the Lord would work in their hearts.

Please pray for us that the Lord would continue to use us according to His plan and through His power. Thanks for all you do for us, and we pray that the Lord would bless you!

Cornel and Nuti Fogorosiu

God Works Through Suffering

I first want to thank God for the wonderful way He manifests Himself in our life, and the way He works through us in the life of others. He is worthy of all our praise and continued service with all our heart.

Lately, God has worked in the Church in Nou through the suffering of two families. For more than two weeks the husband of Sister Livia Hunta whose name is Ilie, at 60 years old, has gone through medical tests due to health problems. It seems like it’s cancer. He started a cytostatic cancer treatment. This news brought lots of pain to this family. We pray for them that the Lord would strengthen them, and for Ilie, we pray that he would repent, to accept Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. The church has been responsive and supportive toward the family. May the Lord show His power and greatness, working to heal Ilie’s body and bring salvation to his soul. Almost at the same time, the Sister Livia’s own sister suffered a stroke. She was in a comma for two weeks and then died. The most devastating fact is that she died without having the hope of eternal life. May God have mercy on all her family and search their heart.

In the Beza family, Brother Nicolae has not attended church in more than twelve years and got married with a non-believer. They have a daughter. His wife, Ionela, is very sick and has been in the hospital for a month. She had emergency surgery and her body in not healing after three weeks. Her condition is getting worse. Nicolae’s parents who are in our church, have asked us to pray for this young woman. The church is interceding for her physical healing and for a spiritual change for the entire family so that they all turn to God with repentance.

Brother Nicolae has both legs amputated. Two weeks ago he became paralyzed on his left side, and is in a difficult situation. He can barely speak and take care of his own needs. We pray that the Lord would strengthen him and help him not give us hope and trust in God. We also pray that those who take care of him would have lots of patience and strength.

Looking at all these trials, we are so thankful to God for good health, and we pray that He would help us stay faithful until the end no matter what comes our way.

Thanks for being with us in spirit, for your prayer and financial support. May God bless you!

Cornel and Nuti Fogorosiu

Christmas Celebration 2017!


All glory be to God for His rich grace which He gave us at the end of the year. To Him all thanks and worship are due with all reverence! The end of the year was marked by several activities at and outside the church. Celebrating the birth of Lord Jesus was a great opportunity to make the Gospel known to our fellow neighbors in various ways. One was through the church services where our brothers and sisters invited guests. The children’s program brought in visitors, parents and relatives of the children. They got to hear the Gospel, to worship with us and to be faced with the decision to accept Christ as personal Savior. We pray that the Lord would work through the Holy Spirit in their heart. Another way was through the carols, on the Christmas evening in the homes of the villagers. This was a blessed time, especially for the sick, the lonely a nd those who don’t attend church. With the sick, we prayed with them and the relatives and friends in their home. They cried and thanked us. Some of them said that the songs reached the ears, but the prayers touched the hearts. We went into homes where no one was Christian, and told them about Lord Jesus and about the reason He came into this world. We also visited the kindergarten in the village, and took presents to all the children, with God’s help and by our brothers and sisters’ provision. The children and teachers especially were very surprised and welcomed us warmly. We pray that all these actions would bring an attitude of gratitude toward God and faith in Lord Jesus Christ, in the life of these people.

Prayer Support:

-   For Nuti, my wife, who is in the hospital with heart problems

-   For Ilie, the husband of Sister Livia, with lung cancer

-   For Ionela, in the hospital, who had stomach surgery

Thanks in the Name of the Lord, for all you do for us. May He reward you!

October 2017

I want to share my thanks to God who carries us from victory to victory. May His Holy Name be praised in all we do!


In October we celebrated Thanksgiving. In our area, especially in the County of Sibiu, the country side churches gather at different location from multiple churches to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Our church was part of three of these locations, and this was a great encouragement for brothers and sisters. We sang and prayed together. Each church group served in some capacity. We prayed for each other and blessed the Lord for His salvati on to us. We are grateful for all the blessings given to us this year. We tried to make as many small groups as possible, with all age categories from church, so that they would enjoy these moments. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from various brothers and sisters about the way they felt encouraged. One of the sisters from church, this being her first time at a celebration like this, said that she felt like she was in heaven and did not want to leave from there. “My heart is filled with joy” she said. One of the youth in the group said that leaving the church to go somewhere else motivated them to prepare better, outside of the normal routine during Sunday service. Most of them said that it was wonderful to be part of the Lord’s family, to rejoice together, anxiously awaiting the return of the Lord. The prayer we lifted for each other and for those unsaved in our families, warmed our hearts. We know that the Lord listens to our prayers, which is why we want to praise Him with all our heart. Every Sunday we shared a meal together. This way we got to know each other better, and to share the joys and the difficult situations we face, to feel for each other and to be motivated to pray for each other. “It is pleasing for the brothers and sister to live together.”


Prayer Requests:

-           For the sick

-           For Brother Nicolae (without legs)

-           For Sister Valeruta (lungs problems)

-           For Sister Maria (swollen legs)

-           For the students and their families

-           For the church friends, to decide to follow Jesus before it’s too late: Maria, Toader, Ilie and Chivuta

May God bless you and keep you in His Grace. Thanks for all you do for us.

September 2017

With God’s help during this time, I was able to serve the brothers and sisters, and anyone else we connected with. May the Lord be praised for all the opportunities he gives us. Through the grace of God, this new school year I was again invited to teach at the public school in the Village of Nou. I say this is grace because I am able to take the Word of God into the world where it needs to be made known.


I believe it is God who opened this door, and I pray that God would use me at the school to be a blessing for the students and the teachers. This year I have nine classes from first to eighth grade. One of the best things is that we have the freedom to create the curriculum without other impositions. In this way we can go in with the Bible, open and read it, and learn the truths for our life. We then learn songs by which we bring praise to the Lord; we learn to pray together asking the Lord for wisdom and help. It is wonderful to see how a class of students memorize and recite “Our Father” and sing God’s praises. Another wonderful thing is to be able to open the Bible for the teachers, and to provide answers to various problems. We pray that the Lord would work and make this Word fruitful in the hearts of children and teachers.

Another joy is that we can help many families in Nou, to send their children after the 8th grade to learn a vocation or to go to high school. We pay their transportation by bus every month.

I was surprised to see this year that the Lord put it on the heart of many churches and associations to help with necessary funds. We thank the Gracespring Church for the help they sent, and we pray that the Lord would bless you. We meet with these students every week, to teach the Word of God, sing together and pray for them and their families. There is a great opportunity that weekly we would have 20 youth from non-believing families, who can be exposed to the truth of God. May the name of Lord be blessed! May He work in their heart to know Him as personal Savior!

Thank you. God bless you for everything you do for us.

Cornel si Nuti Fogorosiu 


August 2017


I want to thank God for the richness of His grace on us this month. We are so glad to announce that we had the first wedding in our family. We believe that, according to the Word of God, He makes all things beautiful in their own time. Andrei, one of our sons, was blessed with a wonderful wife, Ema. She is a gift from God for Andrei and for our family. “Any good and perfect gift comes from the  Father of Lights.” Praise His Name! We had a great time at the weeding and at the reception. We pray that God would keep them in His love all their life, and that they would be a good example for other families.


At church, we are glad that God adds to the number of the saved, and we pray that He would keep us all in His grace. After the baptism last month, the Lord brought a new atmosphere in our worship team. Sister Anita who was baptized, joined this team and is filled with joy and enthusiasm to serve in this way. All the others are sharing this joy. We pray that the Lord would bless them all and that their serving would praise the Lord and would determine others to glorify Him with all their heart.

Prayer Requests:

-           For Andrei and Ema, that the Lord would be with them in their marriage

-           For the worship team, to remain enthusiastic in this ministry

-           For the sick: Brother Nicolae (has both legs amputated) to remain faithful even in this difficult situation; for Brother Ghita (who hardly can see anymore) to be helped by his family


Thanks for all your support, and we pray that the Lord would bless your ministry.

Cornel and Nuti Fogorosiu


July 2017

With God’s help, we organized another evangelistic event in the public school, through which we showed the love of God to students and teachers. Each of the 200 students received a packet of food items and school supplies. Everyone knew that this act of love comes from God who cares for all our needs. We had an open door with the teachers; we talked with them about the goodness of God toward all people. The fact that we were welcome in the school is also an act of God who works in amazing ways.

April 2017

Celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus was a blessed time, through everything that took place in church and outside. The days before Easter were days when we got closer to the Lord through prayer and fasting, and fellowship, a time of meditation and searching of our heart, asking the Lord to make us holy and to help us be more dedicated and filled with love toward Him and each other. The brothers and sisters responded well in the way they prayed, visited and helped each other. It was also a time when families gathered and spent time with each other. One of the families gathered all their children and close relatives, and enjoyed a special time together, talking about the Lord Jesus to relatives and friends.

March 2017

First I want to praise God with all my heart. He is the only one worthy, for the wonderful way in which He worked during this time in our lives.

By the grace of God, in March we had a great opportunity to evangelize, with many people hearing the message of the Gospel. Together wit h other three churches in the area, we prepared through prayer and fasting, and God worked in a wonderful way. We shared a meal together, and then had an evangelism service.