About Grigory Kioresko

About Grigory Kioresko

I was born on December 22nd, 1963 in a family with 10 children, being the youngest child.  My Christian parents were a great example for me, so that after I finished school I received the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  I completed 10 grades of middle school, then three years of professional school.  During these last three years I also attended music school and learned to become a choir conductor.  I started to work in the church as a choir director.  On February 2nd 1985 I was baptized shortly after I accepted the Lord as my Savior.

October 2016

My wife told him that I’m at church, so he came to church and finding me started to cry and confess that he is fed up of his lifestyle and needed God. They all are people burdened by sin, who need a change in their lives.

August 2016

By God’s Grace we lived one more month in which we experienced wonderful moments with our Lord. In PIEI camp in Boian two teenagers from Rakitna accepted the Lord. The girl’s name is Julia and the boy’s name is Daniel.