News from December

Through God’s grace and endurance, I have reached the end of December and the end of 2016. I believe each one of us has thought about another year going by, which was given by the Father. According to doctors’ prognostics, I was supposed to leave last year, but this was not according to God’s plan. We have a great God, Who is specialized in miracles.

As I write to you, I have just returned from a funeral service in Tutana village. We use all means to spread the good news of the Gospel to lost souls. We plant the seed, but He makes it grow. We are only servants who need to work.

At the end of each year, I compare it whether it matches the Lord Jesus’ plan. We will all face the judgement day and receive a reward. This is why I try my best to work for His kingdom, so that I would not be ashamed when He comes.

This month I was busy preparing presents for gipsy villages and orphanages. On this occasion, we have packed around 530 bags of presents. Please see pictures. We have preached the Gospel and have emphasized the importance of Our Savior’s birth on Earth, the favor received to have Jesus born in each heart.

We want to discover young people with spiritual gifts, to encourage them in the ministry; this is why we have organized youth meetings once every two weeks. We study the Word, and we try to motive them serve the ministry, considering the fact that we want to extend as church, with another testimony. We want to fully depend on Lord Jesus.

I want to bring thanks to those who have helped us pour a drop of happiness in the hearts of kids. We pray for blessings over your efforts. I think about sister Marioara Barac, Ani Dinu, Matei Scheau, Naomi, Ed and Didi and the house group, Cornel and Gabi Stef. We have received 4 packages right when we shopped for presents. We received many small sized clothing like gloves, carets, tights, and we added sweets.  Everything went wonderful. God’s hand was in control, and we can only pray for all of you.

Thanks to PIE Committees in Romania and USA, for the involvement.

May God bless you all with health, grace and peace.

I greet you with Luke 2:9, 10.


Traian Chilau