March 2017

Again by God’s grace I had the opportunity to serve the Lord and His Church in March. Besidesthe sermons I preach at church I lead the choir. We do singing practice weekly and prepare for Sunday services.

Every Tuesday the sisters gather at church for prayer and Bible study. Brothers gather for Bible study every Friday. In March the sisters prepared some food and fed the people at the rehabilitation centre in Malineshti. Everybody thanked us a lot. Also in march I visited 8 members of our church and three friends with whom I talked a lot about God and prayed with them. 

I praise the Lord as my family is well. In March we had Mark’s dedication, our grandson, Rebecca and Andrei’s son. We also thank God for another grandson Caleb, our son Rueben and Maria’s son. We pray for all of them. 

Thank you for everything you do for us. Continue to pray for us and for our country. 

Love, Kioresko Gregory